Deadwood season 3 ep 12
Deadwood season 3 ep 12

(And by “protection” I mean abuse and forcing her into prostitution, so yeah, he’s a real fuckin’ saint.) Cy is his usual charming self, of course.Į.B. A little later, Joanie stops by the Bella Union to reach out to Cy, telling him that she has finally found some happiness in her life and she is grateful to him for having kept her alive long enough to have found it – she would have died years ago without his protection.

deadwood season 3 ep 12

I don’t disbelieve that these two damaged women might find solace in each other, but I don’t like the pouting. This jealousy just doesn’t ring true for me and I feel like it cheapens the characters. I don’t like this scene, and I don’t like the one that comes later on, when a drunk and jealous Jane is sulking in their room because Joanie wouldn’t flirt back. Jane flirts awkwardly with her but Joanie doesn’t respond as well as Jane would like. Joanie stops by the Ellsworth house to see if Jane needs anything from “the center”.

deadwood season 3 ep 12

As Alma and the hardware boys leave, Hearst does allude to the fact that he doesn’t mind if Sol wins the mayoral election but that since the sheriff’s race is countywide, he’s just waiting to see the results come in. But they all manage to part ways physically intact, Bullock keeping as tight a rein on his temper as he is able. As they sign the paperwork, she snarls at him, “I recognize the pretense to civility in a man so brutally vicious as vapid and grotesque.” Hearst gets all prickly at having his character thus impugned – what a hypocrite! he recognizes his own misanthropy but can’t tolerate anyone else calling him on it – and it looks as though things might turn ugly for a bit. Hearst is his usual smug self but Alma has her full-snooty on for armor and for once I don’t begrudge her. The closing at Hearst’s rooms is pretty tense. Downstairs, Bullock and Sol are waiting to take Alma to meet with Hearst Calamity Jane is there to baby-sit during the interval. I don’t know, I think I’d leave, although I guess she likes the freedom and power that she has gotten for herself out here in the uncivilized territories – back East, she’d be subject to society’s rules and mores and have to live a much more restricted life. Instead, so she can remain in camp, she is going to sell her claim to Hearst and she is just sick at the thought of allowing that evil man to get what he wants. Hawkeye has managed to bring some men back, even against Al’s predictions of failure.Īlma brushes Sophia’s hair, explaining to her ward (and to us) her present options: if she wants to keep her gold claim, she’ll have to leave camp so that the thugs that she hires to defend the claim from Hearst’s thugs can do so without being distracted by having to protect her too. He sees a derelict-looking Hawkeye in the thoroughfare and sends Johnny back to the Gem so he can clean up his friend before presenting him to Al.

deadwood season 3 ep 12 deadwood season 3 ep 12

Johnny and Adams are fetching some meat from Wu’s cold storage, Adams explaining why they left IOUs for Wu even though Wu can’t really read them: “When he ain’t lyin’, Al’s the most honorable man you’ll ever meet,” says Adams. I think he’s considerin’ gettin’ involved. Over at the theater, Jack Langrishe is upset because of the delay of the opening of his theater due to the goings-on in camp and seems to be contemplating “takin’ steps of his fuckin’ own” to ensure that the theater does open on time. They threaten and bluster at each other for a bit before Hearst slams the door in Charlie’s face. It’s Charlie Utter, telling him that a casket (containing the remains of Aunt Lou’s son, no doubt) with Hearst’s name on it has arrived at the freight office. Satan’s younger brother, George Hearst, is lying on the floor of his bedroom when someone pounds on his door. Hearst gets everything he ever wanted but Bullock loses his job, Alma loses her gold, Cy loses his mind, Jen and Leon lose their lives and I lose my faith in HBO for having pulled the plug on this show with so many stories left to tell.

Deadwood season 3 ep 12